Our goal is to offer integrated and innovative support, becoming strategic partners of companies and contributing to their success in an ever-changing market.
⦁ Management and coordination of special projects (restructuring and reorganization);
⦁ Assessment & auditing;
⦁ HR governance check up and analysis;
⦁ corporate culture analysis and organizational culture development strategy definition;
⦁ HR management & governance framework.
For information, write to: segreteria@bca-legal.com
BCA Compliance
⦁ AI training, processes and practices;
⦁ Gender parity certification;
⦁ Certification of labor contracts;
⦁ Procedures and disclosures when automated decision-making or monitoring systems are used;
⦁ Whistleblowing procedures.
For information, write to: segreteria@bca-legal.com
BCA Start-up Desk
We support new entrepreneurship, providing full-service legal advice (corporate, contractual, litigation, tax, IP, as well as, of course, labor law thanks to BCA Legal) and broader spectrum advisory services, also with the support of managers and former managers of the sectors involved as well as in partnership with specialized boutiques.
For information, write to: segreteria@bca-legal.com